online meeting and live tasting
TastyWines Online
Online meeting et live tasting
Great organization. Vanessa is very professional. Quality meetings
Una organización perfecta, buenos contactos, los clientes van enfocados a buscar productos concretos y la respuesta ha sido muy buena. Muchísimas gracias
Al principio tenía agendadas 6 reuniones, pero durante el evento se me ofreció la posibilidad de tener una séptima reunión con un importador nuevo y lo acepté, así que en total tuve 7 reuniones.
En todas las reuniones los importadores se mostraron muy atentos a mis explicaciones y la cata de los vinos; me hacían preguntas y en general todos mostraron interés. Con todos intercambiamos nuestros emails para poder seguir en contacto después del evento. Con un importador quedamos en vernos en Prowein, y con otro importador estamos cerrando un primer pedido aunque todavía no está cerrado. Con el resto seguiremos en contacto y habrá que esperar. En general el evento fue muy bien ya que para mi era el primero que hacía y el resultado a priori es muy satisfactorio.
Ein sehr effizientes Konzept für Einkäufer

Kai Kunau, Importer
Rindchen‘s Weinkontor
(Berlin 2021)
(Berlin 2021)
Le commerce international du vin évolue, place au virtuel. TastyWines Online : une excellente organisation de l’évènement, une solution logistique et des contacts professionnels de qualité.
En bref, une expérience à renouveler !
La dégustation des vins en direct, ainsi que la présélection mutuelle entre importateurs et producteurs font du TastyWines Online le format le plus adapté en terme d’événements de matchmaking en période de pandémie.
Je peux témoigner de l’excellente qualité des importateurs lors des événements Seoul 2021 et 2020, auxquels j’ai participé pour le compte de 2 domaines différents. Après le succès obtenu en 2020 pour Herdade do Freixo, j’ai participé á nouveau en 2021 pour trouver un partenaire pour Venâncio da Costa Lima.
Je peux témoigner de l’excellente qualité des importateurs lors des événements Seoul 2021 et 2020, auxquels j’ai participé pour le compte de 2 domaines différents. Après le succès obtenu en 2020 pour Herdade do Freixo, j’ai participé á nouveau en 2021 pour trouver un partenaire pour Venâncio da Costa Lima.
The meeting of November 25 with Korean importers ran perfectly.
I haven’t yet, at this time, any return from them , but hope strongly it will occur soon. Whaterver the final result will be, this pattern of meeting is remarkable, and the possibility to meet at the end of the session importers not initialy listed is an excellent opportunity. Best regards
I haven’t yet, at this time, any return from them , but hope strongly it will occur soon. Whaterver the final result will be, this pattern of meeting is remarkable, and the possibility to meet at the end of the session importers not initialy listed is an excellent opportunity. Best regards
The TastyWines in Seoul was well organised. A great upgrade on finding solutions in replacing the traditional face-to-face fairs. The fact that the importers present can taste our wines is undeniably an advantage. I believe this format will be the future anyway. Congrats!
The TastyWines in Seoul was well organised. A great upgrade on finding solutions in replacing the traditional face-to-face fairs. The fact that the importers present can taste our wines is undeniably an advantage. I believe this format will be the future anyway. Congrats!
Muy buena experiencia, asistieron todas las reuniones previstas y muy interesantes lis importadores, mostraron mucho interés por nuestros vinos. La organización bien, todi funcionó ok.
Great organization, high-level buyers, perfect in every aspect! I will surely participate to many more tasting held by Break Event!
Thanks to all the stuff, in particular to Patrizia!!!!
It was Perfect organization! We obtained focus meetings in our product. All clients have visited us on time.
The sending of samples, the information about clients, everything was perfect.
Hope that we will find our partner in Korea and sure that we will participate in new editions of such kind of events. Thank you for our manager Vanessa and to all the team!!!
Das Format Tasty Wines bietet die Möglichkeit zu qualitativ hochwertigen Kontakten und Verkostungen in kurzer Zeit und auf „einen Schlag“. Die hybride Lösung ermöglicht auch den Kontakt zu Herstellern/ Anbietern, für die eine Präsenzveranstaltung keine Option ist. Ich finde die Lösung sehr gelungen

Holger, Importer
Vorstand GES
(Berlin 2021)
(Berlin 2021)
Tastywines Online offers the most effective and concrete way to conduct a b2b tasting online. Very performing support before and during the meetings. Please keep us informed on future similar events
There is no better wine event to meet the wine producers than TastyWines Online in this difficult time. It is really great to have online meetings with wine producers while tasting their wines. Last year, I discovered wonderful wines from Italy, this year very interesting wines from France at the TastyWines Online Seoul. I owe a debt of gratitude to the Break Events Team.
I found the organization of the event impeccable.
Full support from start to finish. And most importantly many business contacts made with a very high chance of finding a successfull match.
Full support from start to finish. And most importantly many business contacts made with a very high chance of finding a successfull match.
Gracias amigas!
Fue un placer participar del evento, con un alto nivel en la interlocución, con importadores interesados en incorporar nuevas referencias y en búsqueda real de negocio. El formato es muy práctico y la posibilidad de comentar las catas ayuda muchísimo en nuestro discurso de ventas. Enhorabuena por el trabajo, estoy seguro de poder concretar alguna operación en los próximos meses.
Fue un placer participar del evento, con un alto nivel en la interlocución, con importadores interesados en incorporar nuevas referencias y en búsqueda real de negocio. El formato es muy práctico y la posibilidad de comentar las catas ayuda muchísimo en nuestro discurso de ventas. Enhorabuena por el trabajo, estoy seguro de poder concretar alguna operación en los próximos meses.
Excelente organización y reuniones muy productivas. Se notaba que las empresas realmente buscaban vinos para importar.
Desde el momento que contratamos el servicio, el trato de todo el staff ha sido exquisito.
¡Enhorabuena a todo el equipo!
Un abrazo,
Well organize and interesting buyers. Punctuality and seriousness on the part of the organization and the participants. In general very good impressions.
Excellent event. Extremely well organised and most of the buyers seemed serious. The fact that they could taste the wines while we’re were talking to them was a big plus.
Thank you.
Well organized meetings. Very satisfied with the presence of solid importers, and in any case all very well trained. Surely this event will bring interesting results having already had positive feedback during the tasting.
Ein breites Spektrum sehr interessanter Weine

Herbert, Importer
Winzer und Gastronom
(Berlin 2021)
(Berlin 2021)
I had a great time at the event and think that it was run wonderfully. It definitely was a new way to run a trade event, and probably a more beneficial method going forward for many producers. I was happily surprised especially with 2 wines references I tasted, and would love to see about bringing them in under my own label. Additionally, I was amazed at some of the other wines as well.
Some of the wines I will also try to connect up with other people in import that I know; sometimes you're the importer and sometimes you're the person that connects others together

Zackary, Importer
Ikavina Wine and Spirits (New York - 2021)
Very well organised as usual!
However, our products are for people who knows well wine so distribute it in USA is a little more complicated I think. I hope we will make business with 1 participant at least !
However, our products are for people who knows well wine so distribute it in USA is a little more complicated I think. I hope we will make business with 1 participant at least !
Despite some time missing for some meetings, the organization and overall experience was amazing. I would definitely take part in the next session in Europe!

Andrew, Importer
Lieber Fine Wines (New York 2021)
We enjoyed the event and the staff was very friendly and helpful. All meetings went very smoothly and even took time for an extra meeting. Hopefully, we will be able to import soon some of these delicious wines and be able to repeat the experience with Break Events later this year in France and Spain.

Wagner, Importer
A&M Imports (New York 2021)